stress Guest User stress Guest User

Reduce Stress by Setting Boundaries on Social Media

We all know that social media can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can also be a major source of stress. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, social media is one of the top sources of stress for Americans.

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stress Guest User stress Guest User

What even is stress?

When most people think of the word "stress," they think of the pressures of work or school. But stress is actually a biological response to any kind of demand or challenge to the body, whether it's physical or psychological. When you experience stress, your body releases adrenaline and cortisol.

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simplicity, slow living Guest User simplicity, slow living Guest User

What is slow living?

As I’ve learned to tune in and understand my needs for health and vitality, I’ve realized that I no longer want to do all the things. In fact, I don’t want to do most things! I want to experience stillness. I want to do less activity that depletes me of my energy and more of what fills me up.

That’s when I found the concept of slow living.

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travel Guest User travel Guest User

4 ways to make travel planning way less stressful

Since that trip, between personal vacations and work trips, I have gotten on many planes and taken countless trips. And I have refined my travel planning strategy to make planning and being on vacation nothing but delightful. That means less anxiety, fewer squabbles with my husband, and more time enjoying the destination. Keep reading for three ways that I have made travel planning less stressful:

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simplicity Guest User simplicity Guest User

What is simplicity?

We live super complicated lives. In fact, society tells us that this is how it’s supposed to be because it means that we’re being productive members of society. We are expected to be perpetually exhausted and be proud of ourselves for it.

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values Guest User values Guest User

6 steps to identify your core values

Identifying my values is one of the personal development exercises I am most grateful for because the outcome is a confident, joyful woman who marches to the beat of her own drum and doesn’t give a f*ck anymore. And, omg, breaking news! People still like me! (maybe fewer people, but the RIGHT people)

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