What is simplicity?

Emerald green dragonfly sitting on a fern leaf.

We live super complicated lives.

In fact, society tells us that this is how it’s supposed to be because it means that we’re being productive members of society. We are expected to be perpetually exhausted and be proud of ourselves for it.

Maybe you’re working an extra 10 hours this week because you’re worried that you’ll get let go if you don’t go “above and beyond” like the guy in the cubicle over.

Or maybe you feel pressure to volunteer to be the PTA President and kid’s soccer coach, while working a full-time job and managing most of the household.

Or maybe you’re working full-time and side-hustling your way into your dream career spending early mornings and late nights while barely nourishing yourself or just taking a moment to breathe.

There are a lot of expectations of us to be perfect, intelligent, and productive, but also to be kind and self-less.

And all of it is HARD. And complicated.

That’s why, for several years, I have worked to make my life simpler. Do all of those societal expectations still exist? Hell yeah, they do - they’re impossible to turn off! But now, I get to spend more time taking care of myself and doing things that bring me joy because I don’t let the noise get to me (as much).

So what is simplicity?

Let’s start with a clinical definition:

The quality or condition of being easy to understand or do.

The definition on its own is simple. Simplicity is bringing ease and understanding into your life. It’s removing as much of that complication from your life as you can. It’s the ability to flow just a little bit more.

Now although I love this very simple definition of the word, let’s look at some other definitions from Merriam Webster:

1: the state of being simple, uncomplicated, or uncompounded

2a: lack of subtlety or penetration : INNOCENCE, NAIVETÉ


3: freedom from pretense or guile : CANDOR

4a: directness of expression : CLARITY

b: restraint in ornamentation : AUSTERITY

Read those again and again until you can connect them with “the quality or condition of being easy to understand!”

What is more simple than innocence and naiveté? Being young and pure and unperturbed by outside forces. Being young and free to folly and be silly!

Having the freedom to speak your mind candidly, without fears of judgement or unkind reciprocation - this is simplicity.

Saying with you mean with CLARITY, using fewer words, being direct - using simple language.

And one of my favorite ways of practicing simplicity is removing clutter - clothes and accessories you don’t wear, decorations that sit around collecting dust, “stuff” that serves no purpose and has no meaning.

I love all these definitions! And frankly, simplicity can mean so many more things. How, you ask? Because my definition of simplicity makes it so we can each have our own definitions of it. Here it is:

Simplicity is a life-long practice focused on curating one's life to minimize stressors, while becoming more resilient to stress when it arises.

For me, simplicity is about removing, mitigating, and managing stress, because I whole heartedly believe that stress is the underlying cause of most of our health issues (physical, emotional, and mental).

So with my definition of simplicity - it can and will look, feel, smell, and taste differently to every person that embarks on this journey. This is because we are unique and because living with simplicity as intention has nothing to do with definitions or external expectations and everything to do with doing the things that are most supportive to YOU.


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